Calculation resistors in parallel.
Calculates the resistance and the global dissipated power
of two or more resistors connected in parallel, this configuration is normally
used to obtain not standard ohmic values or high power.
Data input
Insert only needed resistors keep the other null.
- The global value of the dissipable power refers to the nominal inserted
(1/4 di W = 0.25W - 1/2W = 0.5W etc...), obviously it is only a limit value
that you must not reach, expecially for high ambience temperatures,
it directly influence on the useful life of the resistors.
- Nominal power dissipable by the resistors refers to 25 °C ambient,
with positioning in free air and functioning into tolerance guaranteed for x hours.
- To calculate resistors pack of higher number is necessary to proceed with
multi-step procedure: calculate the first group and store the values,
calculate the second and store the values, at the end insert the values of the
first and the second calculate to obtain the resistance and the global dissipable power.
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Apps for the resistances.
Parallel resistors.
Series resistors.
Capacitive reactance.
Inductive reactance.